Tutor Application Page

Tutor with the Best!

Become a Tutor

Registration Form

Skill Requirements

We are the best home tutor academy in Pakistan. Private tutoring is not always effective in raising academic achievement and in some schools students commonly skip classes or sleep through lessons because they are tired after excessive external study. This means that the shadow system can make regular schooling less efficient.

Teachers who spend more time focusing on private lessons than regular classes can cause greater inefficiencies in the mainstream school system. Situations in which teachers provide extra private lessons for pupils for whom they are already responsible in the public system can lead to corruption.

  • Knowledge of subject matter
  • Ability to effectively communicate subject matter
  • Application of different learning strategies including active learning and peer-to-peer techniques
  • Ability to listen and answer questions during tutoring sessions
  • Set goals and/or expectations during the first few sessions
Tutor with the Best!

Become a Tutor

Registration Form

Our policies

Please read the policies carefully before submitting the form.

  • Registration fee is PKR 1000/- , For Payment, please easypaisa at 03333896737.
  • All English Language Tuitions, Home or Online will be charged a 35% commission from the first month fee.
  • All Home tuitions will be charged a 40% commission from the first month fee.
  • All online tuitions will be charged a 50% commission from the first month fee.
  • Any online tuition with less than (Or equal to) 6000 fee will be charged a 40% commission from the first month fee.
  • No tuition will be given after 2 unsuccessful demos in a month.
  • Once the contact number of the client is given to you, you’re supposed to update us within 2 hours. Unless there’s any emergency.
  • If you fail to update us, the tuition will be given to the next tutor available.
  • For online tuitions, you’re supposed to teach on zoom/google meet, use digital writing pads or have other resources available such as PowerPoint presentations.
  • No exceptions or excuses allowed.
  • Academy will collect the first month fee, if any tutor collects the fee without our knowledge or try to deceive us, we have the right to take necessary actions against you.
  • You can apply on 2 Tuitions at one time, maximum 10 tuitions in a month.
  • Successful conversion of tuition will add one more opportunity to apply in that month.
  • After submission, kindly WhatsApp at 03333896737 for tuition updates.
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